How To Create Effective
Advertising, Marketing & Selling
That Works For Your Business Today

I am very lucky over the past 47 years to have been involved in all sorts of business's where selling products and getting results was the goal of the business. And in that time I have come to learn and understand what makes it work, and consequently, what does not work.

My knowledge, skills and attitude has always been to learn more and apply more than anybody else, and as result make money for the companies and clients I have worked for. Turning ads around from failures into success's has been my forte. Understanding the buying process is as important as the selling process. When you understand why people buy, you will have the key to know how to sell.

My strategies for success are based on this simple premise.

Too many companies today embark on advertising and marketing without understanding the buying and selling process, and as a result their advertising and marketing can fail.

Read 'Scientific Advertising & My Life In Advertising' by Claude Hopkins who was the highest paid copywriter in the world, to see how Hopkins understood the buying process, and then turned it into the selling process - he was a master of opportunity, creativity, and persuasion, and regarded as one of the greatest ad innovators of all time.

Your business today has only three ways to sell: Personal-Display-Advertising, each play a vital role in the success, or failure, of your business.

Before you undertake any advertising you must ask yourself nine key questions:

  1. What is the objective of the advertising? (Awareness, enquiries, store traffic, web site impressions, email enquiries, build a database, website sales, store sales)
  2. Who is the target demographic that I am after to respond? (Females, males, families, seniors)
  3. Where will I find these potential customers? (Newspapers,TV Shows, Radio Stations, Magazine Readers, Facebook Users, Mobile Phones, Social Websites, Public Transport)
  4. What message do I want to give them? (A story, photos, cartoons, quotes, data, prices, addresses)
  5. What image will my advertising create in the prospects mind? (Catchy, Helpful, Humourous, Brash)
  6. What investment will I dedicate to achieving this objective?
  7. Will the investment be a continual programme, or a big impact hit, or both?
  8. Will you use a 'Planned Advertising Approach' to gain maximum return on your advertising dollars?
  9. Can you partner up with any suppliers or sponsors who will help with either merchandise, business expertise or financial assistance, especially if they will benefit from the success of your advertising and marketing on their behalf?

Getting the answers to these questions before you start any marketing or advertising is crucial to the success of your business. All three arms of your business: Personal-Display-Advertising must be linked together so that the synergy can provide greater leverage in the marketplace.

Today's advertiser is faced with a minefield of advertising opportunities from the simple three line ad in classified, to producing animated graphics on a mobile phone application or a complex story video doco on a website - there has never been so many choices, and consequently more opportunities for success, or failure.

Some of the keys to successful advertising are:

  1. Drive your ad dollars to where the prospects are. You would not buy a burger from an electrical shop, or vice versa. So, go where the prospects go.
  2. Analyse what would motivate the prospects to buy (or respond) in that environment.
  3. Look at the creative side of the message, and how you would like the message delivered (Style and content).
  4. Buy the best targeted demographics you can get at the best price.
  5. Test every message (Ad-brochure-flier-email-phone app-website to compare ROI (Return On Investment) and see which ones gave the best results, not just total sales dollars, but revenues minus costs equals profits.

Keynote Factors You Need To Know For Success In Business:

  • The Three Things That Determine Our Lives
  • Three Powerful Laws For Life & Business
  • Five Absolute Pre-Requisites For Running A Successful Business
  • A Five Step Strategy For Success